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Efforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly. Little success has been reported in New Zealand and England; Washington State’s management program has tried many of these methods and is presently using the herbicide glyphosphate to control its spread. Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away. Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possible, for it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years.



Efforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly.(ways to control S) Little success has been reported in New Zealand and England; Washington State’s management program has tried many of these methods and is presently using the herbicide glyphosphate to control its spread. (Little success)Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away.(看到but,因此會稍微注意一下,發現在講同一件事-little success所以不用特別記新資訊) Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possible, for it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years.(看到doubtful,一樣在講little success,所以不用特別記)

看完整個段落,我只記得了,methods to control Slittle success,一個是主題,另一個是態度,因為夠簡化,所以我記得住。因為夠簡化,所以我可以輕易抓到整段架構。這就是skim厲害的地方。可以幫助你節省很多時間,更重要的是,他可以幫你考高分!


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5. 不要讀完整的句子

在讀每句話時,要懂得篩選資訊,分辨主要/次要資訊。而要如何判斷什麼是主要/次要的資訊呢?同學通常是看完整句話了,才有辦法判斷,這樣並沒有節省到時間。請你要使用句子結構來幫助你判斷,假如是一句話裡面的主要子句(S. V. O.),當然會是重要資訊,假如是修飾語,如介系詞片語、形容詞、複詞、附屬子句,便有極高可能會是次要資訊,可跳過。 我們一樣用剛剛的段落來做個小小實驗,請抓一下每句話的重點,你是每個字都看呢?還是只看SVO

Efforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly. Little success has been reported in New Zealand and England; Washington State’s management program has tried many of these methods and is presently using the herbicide glyphosphate to control its spread. Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away. Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possible, for it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years.


Efforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly. Little success has been reported in New Zealand and England; Washington State’s management program has tried many of these methods and is presently using the herbicide glyphosphate to control its spread. Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away. Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possiblefor it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years.(通常看到for是介系詞片語不用看,但這裡的for是指原因,因果關係是重要的關係,所以要看。)


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