







♦The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica. Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. For the first time, people began to talk about ice ages. It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment. We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. The drift of the last glaciation was deposited during one of the most recent epochs of geologic time, the Pleistocene, which lasted from 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.

It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that Agassiz and other geologists of his time were not able to determine

A.which geographic regions had been covered with ice sheets in the last ice age
B.the exact dates at which drifts had been deposited during the last ice age
C.the exact composition of the drifts laid during the last ice age
D.how far south along the east coast of the United States the ice had advanced during the last ice age


只要題目裡面有imply, infer, suggest即為推論題,譬如:
It can be inferred from the paragraph that
Paragraph 5 implies which of the following about
The passage supports which of the following statements about water in the desert?


STEP 1: Skim

STEP 2: Simplify
此時,把你剛剛看到的重點記成筆記,如果你剛剛有讀到態度(ex: appealing, debatable)或是看到轉折詞(ex: but),請把該句裡面的重要概念寫下來,如此能夠幫助你刪掉至少兩個以上的錯誤選項、節省做題時間。筆記的重點是盡量簡單,一到兩個字清楚表達概念即可,不要寫一句話,否則會失去記筆記的意義。此步驟重要的原因是因為通常正確答案選項都會跟你剛剛寫下的概念有關。如果你整段沒有看到任何用態度或轉折詞強調的資訊,也可以單純把整段的主旨目的記下來。


STEP 3: Choose Answer.
由於推論題的答案選項有時候很難判斷得出來,建議使用刪去法作答,會比較有效率。根據你的筆記,先刪掉確定錯的選項。 剩下兩個可以再回去原文找,刪掉最確定錯的那個選項。此外,熟悉此題型的幾種常見錯誤選項,對於答推論題也很有幫助喔!

  1. 武段語氣字眼的選項: 通常這類題型的語氣不會很強烈,所以只要看到選項裡面有武斷語氣的字眼,通常都是錯的,例如:must, only, always, etc.
  2. 錯誤比較: 如果文中沒有比較兩個項目,答案選項卻變成比較兩者,就會是錯的,例如:文中顯示Rivers or streams are often found in this area. 選項A)Rivers are more often found in this area than streams.
  3. 過度推論: 選項描述的範圍大於文中的範圍,即使按照常理是對的,也不能選,例如:文中描述Monkeys can make good use of wooden sticks to dig for food. 選項A) Animals use wooden sticks to find food. 該選項為過度推論,因為我們從文中只能夠判斷猴子會如此,無法判斷其他種動物也會有這個行為。


It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that Agassiz and other geologists of his time were not able to determine


STEP 1: Skim.

♦The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica. EventuallyAgassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. For the first time, people began to talk about ice ages. It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment. We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. The drift of the last glaciation was deposited during one of the most recent epochs of geologic time, the Pleistocene, which lasted from 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.


 閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 1:學會Scan

STEP 2: Simplify
我會看到EventuallyAgassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. 還有We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift. 並且認為文中說我們現在知道age of glaciation,代表當時是不知道的,因此,age可能是我們要的訊息,把age寫在筆記紙上面。

STEP 3: Choose Answer.

It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that Agassiz and other geologists of his time were not able to determine

A.which geographic regions had been covered with ice sheets in the last ice age
B.the exact dates at which drifts had been deposited during the last ice age
C.the exact composition of the drifts laid during the last ice age
D.how far south along the east coast of the United States the ice had advanced during the last ice age





閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 2:學會Skim



SK2 Rosa

P.S. 覺得每次做閱讀都很快沒耐心嗎?只要計時答題率就會不穩嗎?
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