回答Q1 / Q2 例子發展建議


平常同學Q1 Q2 在舉例時,可能會遇到內容不夠的狀況, 以下這幾點方法可供大家彈性運用:


37. Agree or disagree: It is important that students doubt and question their instructors.

agree, 因為你認為學生應該要有好奇心, 這樣做才能讓他們學很多新的東西
when I was a freshman in college, I didn't dare to question my accounting professor, so I really didn't understand some accounting basics well. However, in my second year of college, I decided to try to question her more


1. 用同樣的主詞、動詞,只focus在受詞或受詞子句
I asked her why the examples she mentioned could prove her theory,...
I asked her why she can't use simpler ways to explain,....
I asked her why we had to do a specific homework....

I learned about the right way to study accounting 
I learned about thinking analytically
I learned about convincing others who don't agree with me.

2. 描述如此做/選擇後例子主角的心情 


I felt good about myself/I felt like I really did the right thing/ It made me feel great/ I made me felt like I could do anything. It seemed like the right thing to do./It made me feel a sense of achievement.


I didn't feel good about it. It didn't seem right to me. It felt wrong to me. I felt like I wasn't doing the right thing.

3. 自問自答類

Did it help me learn many new things? Of course it did./No, it did NOT./ Yes,it helped me very much. Did I become better at Ving? Of course I did. No, I did not become better at Ving at all. In fact...
