


大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL 的衝刺班口說顧問David , 正值暑假,許多同學正認真準備托福,希望九月十月就考到高分, 之後就可以專心準備申請文件,這是聰明的作法, 然而托福口說越來越難,甚至很多獨立寫作專屬的「目的」、「態度」題也流過來了, 本篇就來討論一下,如何有邏輯的回答口說一二題「目的」、「態度」題, 

希望給同學一個清晰的觀念:要如何回答這類難題,才能切題, 在其他人都只能亂講一通時,你言之有物。 


口說一二題也好、獨立寫作也好,許多題目,有「目的」、「態度」;在審題想點時, 除了抓出WHO 之外,也需要優先確認「目的」、「態度」,並優先處理。 


*「目的」許多時候會以”in order to V.” 或是”to V.“ 的形式出現 

*「態度」許多時候是形容詞,如”efficient”, “important”, “easier”等等。 

(至於”better” ,只是「程度」,不算態度,就不需特別去定義)如: 

Which do you think is better for the university? To build a library, or to build a gym? 


“Agree or disagree? For students, studying in groups is more efficient than studying alone.” 

以這題而言,應該首先注意到「態度」的”efficient”。 在理由句,首先去定義什麼叫做”efficient”, 再來解釋學生”studying in groups” 還是”studying alone” 比較好。 


Because to study more efficiently, students need to get their questions answered quickly, and studying in groups usually allow them to receive answers immediately. 


1. Agree or disagree? Students should study in groups rather than study alone. 

2. A/D? Students can get better grades by studying in groups than studying alone. 

發現了嗎?第二題很明確的規定了「目的」是”get better grades”, 所以需要先去思考對於學生而言,”get better grades” 需要的是什麼—— 

可能是completely understand the material, solve all the problems ,或是review regularly, 

接著,再回到題目的WHO 來選擇答案。相對的,如果說: 

Because students are lazy, and if they study in groups, they can save a lot of efforts. 

那就離題了—— 因為題目的「目的」,也就是「規定的結果」是”get better grades”, 而不是「怎麼樣對學生來說是好的」。 

如果你還是想要從WHO 出發,記得在關聯句後面加上 ”and at the same time, get better grades”,拉回去切題。 


Agree or disagree? Parents should not allow their children to participate in any forms of sports (football, basketball, ice hockey, etc.) in order to protect them from injuries. 

這題需要優先處理的,是「目的」的”in order to protect them from injuries” 

如果能先想到,”in order to protect them from injuries”需要的是什麼—— 例如”to understand their bodies well“, 那就能很輕鬆的選邊,並且講出清楚的理由+關聯句: 

Because, in order to protect children from injuries, parents should make sure children understand their bodies well, BUT if parents don’t allow children to participate in sports, children will not learn how their bodies work. 

如果這樣的結構、句子對你來說太長(理由+關聯句講完,最好不要超過20秒!), 也可以使用上面提到的第二種方法: 

Because children are naive, and if parents allow their children to participate in sports, children will make stupid mistakes, and therefore get injured. 

以上,希望看完的同學能多去練習此類題目, 讓你在考試遇到時,不會驚慌失措, 因知道自己能切中要旨,而能穩穩答題。 

另,近期許多同學出分後,有是否要複查的問題, 建議可以先搜尋板上我關於「複查」的文章, 便可以更清楚地知道自己是否要賭一把! 

大家加油~~ ~

SK2 David 


SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 

SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group.      