
大家好, 我是SK2的Rosa,

每次改同學的整合寫作時,會覺得明明聽力都聽得很完整,也有整合閱讀與聽力, 但是當我看見你作文裡出現太多文法錯誤時,降低整體文章質感,真的非常 可惜啊!

當你的作文出現太多文法錯時,可能會下降一個等級,本來是Good,就變成 Fair。 其實,只要你能夠抓出閱讀以及聽力的重點,並且避免犯太多文法錯誤,整合寫作是非常好發揮的一個科目喔!

接著,我們來練習看看,你是否能夠一眼看出以下每一題的文法錯誤呢? 建議你準備紙筆來做以下的練習。請先修改你認為有問題的地方,再看以下的解釋。

此外,由於我用TPO 47的整合來示範,同學也可以先自己寫一次TPO 47的完 整作文,再來做以下的練習。如此一來,能夠更精準看出你平常寫整合時, 是否會犯以下十大最常見的文法錯誤。

1. Both the reading and the lecture are discussing whether Pterosaurs were able to fly. 

2. The Pterosaurs used all four legs to push into the air rather than used only two back legs like birds. Therefore, it was powerful for them to run fast enough to fly. 

3. Nevertheless, the scholar seriously contradicts the hypothesis, because were light.

4. As a result, the Pterosaurs' light bones allowed them flapping wings fast enough. 

5. The pterosaurs had hollow bones, which means they did not weigh much. 

6. Still, the scholar has an opposite perspective in which there is a significant difference of the behavior of taking off between birds and Pterosaurs. 

7. The reading passage mentions that the Pterosaurs were cold- blooded animals, they might not have had enough energy to fly. 

8. Given that, the Pterosaurs might have had the ability to take off from the ground. 

9. The idea that the pterosaurs were not capable of powered flight may not be true. 

10. As the hair and fur could be used to protect them from the cold environment and keep their body in warm temperature, the Pterosaurs may have been more like a warm-blooded animal. 


1. Both the reading and the lecture are discussing whether Pterosaurs were able to fly. 

時態不對:閱讀與聽力的立場可以直接用現在式表事實。不需使用進行式或 是過去式。 改成:Both the reading and the lecture discuss whether Pterosaurs were able to fly. 

小心!證據本身的時態要看事情發生在什麼時候,現在還是以前,再使用適 當的時態。 

2. The Pterosaurs used all four legs to push into the air rather than used only two back legs like birds. Therefore, it was powerful for them to run fast enough to fly. 

代名詞指代不清楚:it 應該是指上句的all four legs,應該用複數,而且 代名詞會優先修飾平行位置的字,但是上句話平行位置的主詞為the Pterosaurs,指代對象不清楚導致句意不清楚。 白色部分應改成:Their legs were powerful enough to fly. 

3. Nevertheless, the scholar seriously contradicts the hypothesis, because were light. 

:意即句意不完整,只要少了主詞、動詞或是主要子句,整句話的 意思不完整,就會不清楚。 最常見的fragment問題為使用And, But, So作為句首,缺乏主要子句。 此句應改成:Nevertheless, the scholar seriously contradicts the hypothesis, because they were light. 

4. As a result, the Pterosaurs’ light bones allowed them flapping wings fast enough. 

:同學須注意,只要用特定句型,就要確定用對。不要用自己感 覺對的句型。allow後面應接to,改成: As a result, the Pterosaurs’ light bones allowed them to flap wings fast enough. 

5. The pterosaurs had hollow bones, which means they did not weigh much. 

Which的用法不對:which只能夠修飾到上句話的受詞,但是通常同學使用 SVO, whichVO的句型時,是想要表達整件事。 應改為:The pterosaurs had hollow bones, meaning that they did not weigh much. 或是 The pterosaurs had hollow bones, so they did not weigh much. 

6. Still, the scholar has an opposite perspective in which there is a significant difference of the behavior of taking off between birds and Pterosaurs. 

修飾語太長:此句話其實沒有文法錯,但是寫起來會變成修飾語太長,句意 不清楚。此外,盡量不要使用there is N.的句型。因為一來,句意會著重 於名詞,導致句意不清楚。可以直接改成SVO。二來,同學容易濫用there is的句型,導致整篇重複出現太多次,缺乏變化。 可改成:Still, the scholar has an opposite perspective from the reading and contends that birds and Pterosaurs differ significantly in taking off. 

7. The reading passage mentions that the Pterosaurs were cold- blooded animals, they might not have had enough energy to fly. 

Run-on sentence: 兩句話中間沒有連接詞。在英文裡,多一個子句,就需 要多一個連接詞。 改成: The reading passage mentions that the Pterosaurs were cold- blooded animals, so they might not have had enough energy to fly. 

8. Given that, the Pterosaurs might have had the ability to take off from the ground. 

This/that的用法:this/that單純出現時,指代不到對象,句意不清楚。 可改成:Given this fact, the Pterosaurs might have had the ability to take off from the ground. 

9. The idea that the pterosaurs were not capable of powered flight may not be true. 

頭重腳輕:這句話的主詞太長,導致句意不清楚。此外,整句話在否定一件 負面的事情,意思太繞,讀者不易理解,可直接改成: The Pterosaurs might have been capable of powered flight. 

10. As the hair and fur could be used to protect them from the cold environment and keep their body in warm temperature, the Pterosaurs may have been more like a warm-blooded animal. 

單複數不一致:這句話除了單複數不一致之外,整句話有些太長。建議同學 一句話不要超過兩個訊息。如此一來,讀者會更好理解。當你一句話有超過 兩件事時,可以考慮刪減不必要的訊息,或是拆成兩句話說。 

改成: Since the Pterosaurs had hair and fur to protect them from the cold environment, the Pterosaurs may have been more like warm- blooded animals. 

總結以上十大最常見的整合寫作文法錯誤,紅色的又為最嚴重的問題,請務 必小心: 







七、Run-on sentence 




請同學盡量避免在寫整合時犯文法錯,一定要留2-5分鐘檢查文法小錯以及 拼字錯誤。 


ex1: Nevertheless, the scholar seriously contradicts the theory that the animals were light. 

此句話的that修飾theory,句意會變成scholar反駁animals were light的 理論。但是其實同學是想要表達聽到的內容,因此,應該改成: Nevertheless, the scholar seriously contradicts the theory by stating that the animals were light. 注意!這裡的by stating that不可省略。 

ex2: The professor seriously argues the reading passage.

argue是主張,argue against是指反對。同學要表達的是聽力反駁閱讀,

因此,應改成: The professor seriously argues against the reading passage. 



1. 十大常見的寫作文法錯誤 https://julieyel.blogspot.com/2021/12/blog-post_26.html 

2. 我的文法很差,該怎麼辦? https://julieyel.blogspot.com/2022/02/blog-post_89.html 

Warm Regards,

SK2 Rosa ^____^ 

SK2 精華十堂衝刺班:https://goo.gl/HH62RL 
Mason GRE臉書社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GRE340/